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      11-01-2023, 03:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pauldunlop13 View Post
don't do it for free

ask for $100 (cash or barter) and tell them you will promote it on your Insta - and give them the 'posters' to post on their Insta

plan to start promoting it about 2 weeks out - set the date and time and do it

if it goes well, do it again - maybe every 2 weeks - then increase the amount if they are seeing value

make sure you have someone photograph you for the first event - use that on your Insta as well - and tag the place on all your posts
Ya, good pt, don't wanna set a dangerous precedent haha.

IG? Haha, I got no online presence at all

Yup, tx for reminding me re pix, esp if it will be a one-off, just to say we did it.

Originally Posted by floridaorange View Post
If you don't know what to charge - you probably aren't ready to charge. Once you have a following online and people are readily seeking you out to perform, the "just for fun part" will become an actual side gig and that's when you begin to charge.

In the meantime, maybe just ask for gas and food reimbursement or whatever, so you're not out of pocket. That's my take on it anyway.
For sure we are absolute Vs doing this kinda thing. It really is just a passion atm but yup, will try to at least b/e doing the thing.

Originally Posted by JMcLellan View Post
To answer the question that started your post, yes I have performed at paid gigs. I was in a cover band way back in the day and we got a cut of the cover charge the bar collected at the door. This was after a few other gigs where we had to prove ourselves and most of that we did for free, or the band got paid in beer.

If you don't have a following or a reputation that you can perform I don't think you ask to get paid initially. If you have merchandise or original music to sell access to, I'm sure most places wouldn't care if you marketed those things to the audience. It would also help to ask all your friends and family to attend as well to fill the place up as much as you can. That was really the most important thing we did was getting all the band's friends to attend our shows. It helped that we played in a decent-sized college town and 2 band members were starters on the football team. It took a few months but we were able to fill up places and get some decent cash.

Thanks for listening to me brag about my younger music days
Np, as long as your bragging helps me (it does), keep recounting your glory days!
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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