Thread: Migraine
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      08-31-2011, 02:49 PM   #1

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Yes, I've googled it before, and I did again. The definition seems to vary greatly, and a lot of different symptoms seem to fall under within the migraine category. I guess I'm just asking if anyone experiences or has experienced a migraine headache, and how they dealt with it, or deal with them. Does anything seem to "trigger" them for anyone? I thought I had experienced a few before, but after this morning, I am now confident I have only experienced one, and it was absolutely horrible. I wish to never have another.

Background info: I spent last week fighting a bug of some sort. I had slight headaches, no appetite, but no nausea, fever, or anything like that. The main thing was that I had absolutely no energy. I worked about a 3/4 week, and literally spent the rest of the time sleeping. Thursday and Friday I slept for 16-20hrs each day. I waited too long to see a dr, and he basically said whatever it was, it seems I have gotten over it for the most part, and he wrote me a script for some antibiotics in case it got worse over the weekend, and if it did to call him Monday. I didn't use the prescription, by Monday I felt my old self.

Last night, as a result of a late lunch, I didn't have much appetite for dinner, so I snacked on a few things, and had 3 glasses of wine (anyone who knows me on here can attest that's akin to 3 glasses of water for me...) I got into bed around 11, wasn't very tired, watched some TV, and an old friend called and I spent some time catching up. I finally went to sleep around 2 or 2:30, thinking it wasn't the smartest to stay up that late, but I hadn't drank much can still get a solid 5-6hrs in...

I woke up about 2 hours early, about 5am, with a slight headache. I got up, got some water, took a piss, and went back to sleep. 7am, my head is pounding like a seriously bad hangover. I snoozed for 15min, woke up again, to the absolutely worst pain, just behind my forehead I've ever head. I am thinking wtf...

I have a naturally high tolerance for substances/pain (there is a warning sticker or whatever you want to call it on my medical file noting a high probability the dr will have administer about a 50% higher dose of whatever than average, and double/triple if there's a chance of building up tolerance and I've been given it recently). I've had local foot surgery with what amounted to absolutely no effective antiseptic. I have had hangovers probably as bad as they can get, stemming from self destructive 3-4 day drink/drug binges. The most notable came after a 4 day party in which large amounts of alcohol, cocaine, good MDMA, bad MDMA that was really just heroin and meth, and whatever prescription pills people had...xanax, perc, etc... I'm not mentioning any of this to sound tough, or be cool, because it wasn't at all, I've done absolutely retarded and self-destructive things to myself, and maybe you can imagine how the come-down from something like that must have felt.

This morning, honest to god, felt worse than any of that. It was 7:30, and I felt my way to the bathroom because not only was it excruciating to open my eyes, my vision was like wearing someone else's very strong prescription. Whatever was in my stomach came up, followed by heaving and stomach acid. I found my way back to bed, crying the pain was so bad. I laid in misery for hours, and must've eventually dozed of, waking up around noon, with a slight headache. Took 2 advil, showered, dressed, and now I'm at work. It's almost 3 now, and it almost feels like nothing happened.

If that wasn't a migraine, I don't want to know what is. What's weird is, aside from being under the weather last week, I haven't made any significant changes, switched, stopped, or started any meds, am not under any more or less stress, and my allergies, which seem to be getting milder the older I get (I'm 24) haven't been bothering me. The only thing I changed, was I lifted weights Monday, for the first time since June. Just a freak, excruciating headache, out of no where it seems.

TLDR: fuck migraines, could something I did have triggered it?
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