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      01-07-2016, 10:55 AM   #108
Brigadier General

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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
Not on ///M Cars.

My E63 M6 had about $6k-8K in maintenance done in the first 50K miles including a new clutch, spark plugs (2x), air filters, oil cooler (defect), diff fluid changes, 4 ignition coils, etc. The largest single expense, the clutch occurred at 47K miles. Mind you that today's M engines are a bit more pedestrian than the S85/S65, but this is still a major concern.

Not just wipers.


P.S. I purchased the additional year of warranty on my M6 for $3,500 in September of 2013 and had the engine replaced 2 months later. The best $3,500 I've ever spent, hands down. At that point the engine replacements were going for about $28,000-$32000 when subsidized by BMW.

I suppose you are right. I wrote my comment from the view of a non-M owner. You M owners have a really different situation.

Regardless of all the truly legitimate complaining that is going on about this move, I still don't see many of us actually leaving the brand over this change. M owners may be an exception because the hard dollar impact of that 4th year of maintenance is higher. But then, M owners want performance. So now your dilemma will be finding another brand with a 4 year free maintenance program that has a car that performs like an M car. How many brands fit that criteria? Zero or 1 if you think Cadillac makes your heart race like an M.

There is a lot of emotion going on right now. People are pissed. I get that. But, in the end of the day, after all the dust has settled, most of use won't change brands just because of this maintenance change. If we change brands it will also be for other reasons.
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